Looking for a secure, affordable and well know antivirus software is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. Yes, there are plenty out there. But most require year long commitments, hefty storage requirements, and will cost you a leg and an arm. But what about free antivirus. Why pay through the roof on some big tech companies antivirus software when you can get covered for free? If that is the question on your lips, then look no further.

A quick google search will show you a huge amount of free antivirus software. From Windows Defender, Avira, Panda and many more. You may even find yourself struggling to choose which one!

You will not find any of the flashy features that the bigger names have with their software, such as find my laptop, parental controls, anti-ransom ware and so on. But the majority of free antivirus protection will simply protect you against viruses and remove them along the way as and when they find them. Unlike the big brands, free antiviruses will not check the legitimacy of website links or phishing scams that are lurking around the web today,.

Nearly all the big names in virus protection offer some sort of free trial or their premium products or free antivirus software as its own package. So you can expect to find some amazing features along the way if you go down the free trial route. It is worth noting that almost none of the standalone free antivirus software will come with any form or support help line or parental controls. It is worth paying for parental controls to prevent your kids from seeing sensitive and inappropriate content on the web.

Answering the question “is it worth it” is purely dependant on what you need. You will not need the fancy firewalls, spam filters, and parental controls for the occasional use PC. But if you are a family with young children who are just learning to explore the web it is definitely worth paying a bit more to protect your whole family.

Also, if you are looking to protect a small business, then you a simple free antivirus will not suffice. It is not worth leaving your business at risk. Do not get me wrong free antivirus will protect you from entry level threats. But viruses and constantly getting better and better, if someone really wants to they can find the way in to your business. Bite the bullet and protect your business.